Friday, September 4, 2009

All's Fine...

Just got back from the hospital. Damn they work so slow.. >_<. I went there at 8.00am. Waited till 9.30am then only I got to do my ultrasound. By that time, it was 11.30am when the test was done. So there goes my first class. And to wait for the results, I sat in the waiting room until 2.30pm! So my second class is a goner. And at 2.30 they called me in, but the doctor only came at 3.30pm! By the time he explained to me everything, it was 4.00pm. My third class starts at 4.05pm, and I was hungry since I didn't have lunch at that time. So my third class was also skipped. =_=. So today is the first day where I skipped all my classes for the day this semester... just when I so semangat want to go to class...

Anyway, back to the main topic, after venting enough. The report came back, saying that I have two small unobstructed stones in my left kidney, about 5mm - 6mm. I don't have the report of course, but I peeked a little, being the curious me as always. The doctor said that the pain I felt two nights ago were most probably some of the stones going to my bladder, and I most probably have passed them out without me knowing it, since at the time of the pain, I did not even think that I have kidney stones.

So, I'm fine now. Will be making an appointment with a urologist, recommended by the doctor, just for further checking, but shouldn't be too alarming. So no worries~

Thank you everyone for the concern, through SMS, FB, and MSN. Special thanks to my mum, dad, bro, sis, couzzies for the concern (especially ah mi... so worried... haih...)
Also, Hueywen, send me cute SMS at 3.30am your time, surprised me pulak =_=
David, for checking up stuff on the Internet because you had nothing to do~ haha

Thank you Thank you. Domo domo~ arigato gozaimasu...

"All's well that ends well" =)


David said...

Not one but two stones?! *gasp*

Kenneth and I were wondering what's the diagnosis results.

Anyway, am glad that you're (almost) alright now. Take care. =)

KennethT said...

u know wat i think? i think tats the hospital's way of saying 'have the day off'..Hahahaha

Anonymous said...

i so outdated. i now only know.btw, gimme ur hp number neh. i dowan sms with ur mummy aka granny.>_<

sulinn said...

owwwh sorry to hear that...never knew...get well soon!!!

p/s: the effects of not paying attention in class!!!