Saturday, April 11, 2009

Good Friday!

Today is a Good Friday! Oops... not "a" Good Friday, just Good Friday. Anyway, I went to this procession today, Good Friday procession I call it. Now, the first thing one would ask is... what the heck is a non-Christian, namely me, doing in a Good Friday procession?
Answer is... to take pics of course!
People getting ready to go out of the church and walk around town
Tomb(?) of the founding lady of the church

The Church - Inside

The Church - Outside

The one that drag me along... ok.. no la, she told me bout this then I tag along

Guy on left. His job is just to carry the cross around.

These two tak le tahan standing dy. So they just sat while waiting to move to next location
The little guy was so cute, he saw me taking his photo and stayed still for like a minute

This is in another church. In total, I went in 4 churches in one day!

As usual, I like to take photos of the ceiling...

Many times...

This is the inside of the last church. Kinda cool.

People so quiet listening... I pulak busy take pic... xD
I like this

An excerpt from the small booklet given to us at the start
Well... so the procession went smoothly partly due to the fact that the police were everywhere directing traffic so that we don't get stuck or anything. Feel like a VIP.. haha. It was a nice experience, though one church didn't let me take photos inside... =_=. Too bad most of it is in French though, so I just listen to the choir sing... and that is not in English either... basically, I went, listened to songs, walked from church to church, and took photos! Damn I'm happy.
Happy Happy Happy!

1 comment:

Huey Wen said...

haha..finally u update something! =D
the church very beautiful and big!! =D