Friday, December 5, 2008


I just finished my first final and it was ok I would say. But the one weird thing is, its a Maths paper (linear algebra) and my head keeps playing this song, "Have You Ever Really Loved A Woman" by Bryan Adams. I just don't get it... its a MATHS paper for god's sake and my brain is playing this song? Brain ar brain... play something else can? Sometimes, I just don't get how my brain works, or why it isn't working the way that I want it to be...
Right now, as I'm studying calculus, my brain is so darn quiet, which would be good, except that it ain't absorbing what I'm studying... =.="


sulinn said...

hahahah..of all songs...good luck!

[null] said...

So.... have you ever really loved a woman? xD

Anonymous said...

rindu GF la tu......GOOD LUCK 4 FINALS!!!!!! *JIA YOU!!!!*