Monday, November 10, 2008

ChinaTown~ Alone... Jeng Jeng Jeng...

Well... I just came back from chinatown and guess what, it ain't easy to be in chinatown alone. Especially, when the person is me, a guy, who is chinese, but doesn't speak chinese... And what was I gonna buy? meat... of all things, because i'm sick of chicken, oh and other stuff too.
Buying the other stuff is easy, its packed and put in plastic bags, so you just take them of the shelves and pay at the counter. But meat is a whole different story. Its like at the market, and the guy chops the meat according to how much you want. I wanted pork ribs(bak kut), minced meat, and the fatty meat(sam chan yuk... dunno whether this term is really correct or not)
So, this is my conversation with the ah pak(ap):
me: lei dei yao mou pai kuat ar?
ap: yao... lei you gei dor ar?
me: erm.... tim gong le...
ap: (cutting the pai kuat) gam dak mou? sam tiu?
me: (relieved) oo... dak la dak la...
ap: zhong yao meh mou?
me: lei dei yao mou yuk sui ar? (yuk sui is minced meat in canto)
ap: yao... you gei dor ar? (stares at me)
me: lei dei tim mai ar?
ap: lei you gei dor ngor ma bei lei gei dor lo...
me: errr... (silence - because I forgot pounds in canto, almost wanted to say yat kan, one catty)
ap: lei you yat pong ar, leung pong ar?
me: oh, yat pong jou kau lo...
ap: hai hai, ji dou ji dou
me: zhong yao, lei yao mou "wu hua rou" <-- mandarin? (tempted to say mm fa yuk... lol)
ap: (strong china accent)"wu hua rou"... you you... ni yao duo shau? (Suddenly... the conversation turned to mandarin pulak...)
me: errr... ni na lai wo kan kan
ap: che yang gou ma?
me: gou liao gou liao.
ap: hai you shen me ma?
me: mei you mei you, che yang gou liao. xie xie. (rushes to the counter)
And there you have it... KY's first real canto-cum-mandarin conversation. For those that really know how I talk in chinese, you'll be laughing to bits if you were there. For those that don't know, let's just say, it's better not knowing. Anyway, I got my stuff, I'm happy, and that's all that matters.


David said...

fuyoh... bearbear's first venture to the montreal chinatown...
so, the meat uncle speak to you in cantonese, then mandarin?
maybe, during your next trip, you could try hokkien, who knows he might be taiwanese... lol~
better don't. just a joke. you might make his head fall off...

Khai Pin said...

LOl......i can imagine your accent while you speak those lines!!!

*laughing on the floor*

[null] said...


Anonymous said...

XDDDD....something that i would pull of as know..the whole thing can be avoided if you had ust begun the whole thing in english....=.= The'll start assuming u ar jap or koean or vietnamese.

lol....i'd call it 'fa yoke' all right....especially when i'm ordering dishes.....

Anonymous said...

david...careful aa...after the shopkeeper really is a taiwanese...and he gives a bunch of 'hokkien tulen'....then we all die lor.

Anonymous said...

dats it.....ah soon, next time i drag u go buy stuff....lei sek kong gong dong waa mah....if not i pull rei along to get mandarin aid...

Anonymous said...

wah congrats wor! but its damn funny leh the way u put it!

David said...

lol hippo~ i guess cantonese is a safe bet, plus mandarin... since most chinese people in canada are from hong kong.
source: hong kong dramas...

p/s: i don't know whether you have ever heard bearbear & kenneth speak in cantonese, but their accents are really funny + weird. like angmohs... well, especially kenneth. XD

sulinn said...

not bad! XD

Huey Wen said...

LOL! 'yat kan'..LOL!LOL!LOL!