Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Woohoo~! It snowed! Too bad I only get to go out at 12am because of a dumb MATH 133 (linear algebra) assignment. Anyway, initially was to go out, take a few pics, and come in... but then again, the power of friends and *ahem*... well... these things tend to drag on a little while longer, and one thing led to another..
And so... we went out to play! (Although finals are looming but who cares?! It's snowing! xD)
Now, I'm wet all over... but it was worth it... hehe~

Night scene during snow

That is the thickness... and its still snowing!

Three sitting in the snow... tired liao i guess from running around...



Huey Wen said...

aww..i wanna go canada right now!! aha..I wan to feel the cold there and make a snow man!!

sulinn said...

where's the snow man and snowball fights? it's so incomplete!

BearBear said...

the snowman... i not pro builder... yet...
snowball fights, if i take photos, how am i to defend myself?

David said...

have you tried sticking your tongue out and let the snowflakes melt on your tongue? i heard people said it's fun!