Sunday, November 2, 2008

Roommate's Family's Here~ Lolz...

Well... my roommate's family dropped by... (still here) and the whole day, his mum's been cleaning the kitchen, his room... cleaning a whole lot of stuff. Jolly kind of mum, the type where the smile brightens up the whole room... kinda. Anyway, the mum's been busy in the kitchen, cleaning and cooking for her son so I haven't gotten the chance to even enter the kitchen to grab a bite to eat. Lol, talk about sacrifice. The mum did offer to cook for me but... for some reason, I just couldn't bring myself to accept. Smells good though, gotta give her that, hopefully she imparts some skills to my roommate because his cooking makes me feel like something's rotting in the kitchen.
The mum also got him a whole lot of stuff, food mostly, and she once in a while chats with me. Small talk, not the really-get-to-know-you interrogation type talk. And whole time, if she's not in the kitchen, she's in the room... thank god, because i like to keep my privacy. And the fact that they all speak mostly mandarin is enough to make me keep away from them for sheer embarassment worrying I utter the wrong chinese word. In fact, other than the mum, I don't see any other members of his family, although they're here. Guess this family is all about "in the room, not the outside".
But can't really say that I don't like them here, because they brought me a special gift... a microwave! Haha, they went out and got one, and said I can use it too... muahaha~ I am so gonna sayang the microwave... but first, I gotta get some microwavables to microwave first.


Anonymous said... have a MILF fetish or something???


[null] said...

So now we know that Bear Bear likes MILFs and Hippo likes (shemale?) elves. What next? >_>

David said...

sayang the microwave? gosh... you are too fanatic...

by the way, what's the story of your rice cooker? has it arrived yet?

Anonymous said...

I have the compelling urge to correct tib's statement....I LIKE FEMALE know....Luthien Tinuviel and her poncy incarnation, Arwen Undomiel..and the likes....

[null] said...

It wasn't me who said you liked shemale elves. And sheesh, what is it about them anyway> The pointy ears? xD

Anonymous said... did you find out?!!

[null] said...

I'm a psychology student, therefore I can read minds. *grins leerily*